It was to be my primary car, and after doing my research, all I wanted to do before plunking down my money was test-drive the town& country, the Odyssey, and the Sienna minivans. 经过一番研究,我把试驾的围缩小到克莱斯勒城乡(ChryslerTown&Country)、本田奥德赛(HondaOdyssey)和丰田赛纳(ToyotaSienna)这三款MPV上。
From our standpoint, the primary problem with the paper money system is that central bankers always have the option to print more money. 从我们的角度来看,目前纸币体系面临的主要问题是,各国央行始终拥有开动印钞机的选择权。
Until recently many investors considered money market funds to be almost as safe as bank accounts and before reserve primary, the oldest such fund in the US, only one small money market fund had ever "broken the buck" by dropping below$ 1. 直到最近,许多投资者还认为货币市场基金几乎与银行账户一样安全,而在美国最老牌的货币基金reserveprimary之前,仅有一家小型货币市场基金曾“跌破一美元”。
But there is a powerful counter-argument, too: some business leaders retort that companies would actually do better to focus on their primary function – namely the business of making money – and leave governments to worry about those bigger social goals. 但也有一些说服力强的反对论点:一些企业领袖反驳称,企业实际上最好把精力集中于主要职能(赚钱)上,而让政府去操心那些更大的社会目标。
"Why should I learn Chinese?" protested a primary schoolboy. "My Dad and Mum don't know it at all, but they still make lots of money!" 我为什么要学中文?我爸爸、妈妈不懂中文,还不是赚大钱
At present, the primary consideration, not to make money, but protecting the remaining capital. 目前,首要的考虑,而不是赚钱,而是保护剩余的资金。
So the primary purpose of the investment is not to ensure that the taxpayer gets its money back – although that issue should certainly not be neglected – but to ensure that these ordinary banking functions operate well. 因此,政府入股的主要目的不是确保纳税人能够收回投资尽管这个问题肯定不应忽视而是确保这些普通的银行职能能够运转良好。
The primary source of income for the most successful private equity executives is carried interest, profits on investments made with money from outside investors such as pension funds. 这几位最成功的私人股本高管的主要收入来源是附带权益,即使用养老基金等外部投资者的资金进行投资而取得的利润。
In order to gather the primary capital for his business, he had to forget his identity as a highbrow, and be busy running around for money, but no one would like to lend money to him. 为了筹到第一笔创业资金,他不得不放下知识分子的架子,硬着头皮四处借钱,却一无所获。
In the past few years Brock has built a computer room for the primary school with her own money, and donated desk, chairs and books. 在过去这几年里,布罗克自己出钱给村里小学建起了一个计算机房,捐献了桌椅和教材。
There are some things such as building primary education systems and creating infrastructure that can only be done by the public sector with public money. 有些事情,比如创建小学教育体系和建设基础设施,只能靠公共部门利用公共资金完成。
The primary target for civil suits will be Citigroup, if only because it has the most money. 民事诉讼的主要目标将会是花旗集团,仅仅是因为它的钱最多。
Gradually, the primary barter was replaced by the commodity exchange conducted by money. 最开始的物物交换逐渐被以货币为媒介的商品交换所取代。
The money fund guarantees were put in place immediately after the Lehman collapse to stop a run on the sector triggered by losses at the Reserve Primary fund, which had invested in Lehman debt. 雷曼倒闭后,美国政府立即启动了对货币市场基金的担保,以阻止ReservePrimaryFund的亏损在全行业引发挤兑。ReservePrimaryFund此前投资于雷曼债务。
The primary reason for the decision to adopt a distributed computing approach to managing LHC data was money. 作出采用分布式计算的方式来管理LHC数据的首要考虑还是金钱。
The problem at Reserve Primary caused panic among investors and within a few days they had pulled more than$ 400bn from money market funds and other short term funds, such as prime funds. ReservePrimary基金的麻烦在投资者中引起了恐慌,几天之内,他们从货币市场基金以及其它短期基金中撤回了逾4000亿美元。
So the primary way to leave money to an animal is to set the money aside in a trust structure and ask a beneficiary who receives the grant to care for the animal. 因此,把钱留给动物的主要方式是把它放在一只遗产信托中,请一位获得批准的受益人来照料动物。
Primary Study of the Form and Idea Expression of the Money Tree 摇钱树及其图像的初步研究
This article primary point of view: Tax must be considered when we make finance decision, investment, raise ( money) and melon-cutting is primary district. 本文的主要观点:税收是进行各项财务决策必须考虑的一项内容,筹资、投资和股利分配是纳税筹划的主要场所。
Through the researches on monetary value by the classical economists, this paper expounds systematically the primary concepts and the logical structures of Marx monetary value as well as the characteristics of Marx's understanding of money. 本文从古典经济学家对货币价值论的研究成果出发,系统阐释了马克思货币价值论的基本思想、逻辑结构及马克思理解货币的特点。
There has long been high abnormal return in the primary stock market of China, attracting a huge sum of money lingering in the primary market seeking risk free abnormal return. 我国股票一级市场长期存在着较高的超额收益率,吸引了巨额资金长期驻留于一级市场寻求无风险超额回报。
The former takes the primary deposit as starting point, by calculating the total derivative deposits to analyze scale of money creation; the latter takes base money as starting point to calculate the monetary supply. 前者以原始存款为起点,通过计算派生存款总额来分析货币创造规模;后者以基础货币为起点来计算货币供给量。
According to the actual national conditions that our country is in the primary stage of socialism, it is unrealistic to be totally dependent on the Government to ensure the resettlement in form of money as compensation. 根据我国尚处于社会主义初级阶段的实际国情,完全依靠政府通过货币形式进行安置保障补偿是不现实的。
Many organizations view it as the primary resource for development, which shows that it is more important than land, minerals and money. 很多组织将其置于土地、矿产和资金之前,作为发展的第一资源。
Second, investors buy shares on the primary market and sell on the secondary market. This short-term arbitrage attracted huge amounts of money in a very short period of time to enter into the GEM, which inevitably result in abnormal fluctuations in the stock market. 第二,一级市场上购买在二级市场上卖掉获利,这种短期套利行为吸引巨额资金短期内进出创业板,势必造成股市非正常的波动。